Prime Health Blog

The nightshades (Solanaceae) are chili peppers, petunias, deadly nightshade, mandrakes, potatoes, tomatoes, aubergines (eggplants) and tobacco

Nightshade Vegetables: Do they make Arthritis Worse?


Vegetables and fruits from the nightshade family staple foods for a lot of people. Nightshades are nutritious, healthy foods, and also the idea that they trigger inflammation is not supported by proof.

Nightshade foods contain solanine, a chemical that some people today think may aggravate arthritis inflammation or pain.

The Arthritis Foundation state this isn’t true.

But if a person feels that certain foods cause their arthritis symptoms, including nightshades, they should avoid these foods.

In this article, we discuss the consequences that nightshade vegetables might have on inflammation and arthritis symptoms.

The health benefits of nightshades, and which other foods might have anti-inflammatory consequences.

Do nightshade vegetables cause inflammation?

Some people believe that the solanine contained in nightshade vegetables may lead to inflammation, or make inflammation linked to arthritis worse.

While some people may report a worsening of symptoms when eating nightshades that contain solanine, there’s not any study to support that solanine has a direct impact on inflammation or arthritis pain.

Rather, these symptoms might be caused by or associated with a food sensitivity to the nightshade family.

A 2010 study indicates that eating purple or yellow potatoes may, in actuality, reduce inflammation and DNA damage.

These species include high levels of antioxidants, such as carotenoids, which the authors suggest can avoid cell damage.

Despite this, if a person believes they might have a food intolerance or food allergy to nightshades.

They can remove them from their diet and take note of any consequences this has for their symptoms.

If Individual wishes to Get Rid of nightshades in the diet, then they can substitute them with other non-nightshade vegetables,

For example:




What are nightshade vegetables?

Nightshade vegetables are part of this plant family Solanaceae.

Some species are toxic, for example, the belladonna plant, which can be known as deadly nightshade.

Other species are generally cultivated and eaten by humans.

Frequent nightshade vegetables that we eat comprise:

  • White potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Eggplant
  • Bell peppers
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Paprika

Nightshades contain an alkaloid called solanine, which is poisonous in large concentrations.

Solanine is found in trace amounts in berries and is normally safe.

Although the leafy stalks of the potato plant and green potatoes are poisonous, and solanine poisoning has been reported from eating green potatoes.

Health advantages of nightshades:

Potato skins are rich in vitamin C.
The potato is a root vegetable native to the Americas, a starchy tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum, and the plant itself is a perennial in the nightshade family,

Certain nightshade vegetables can be excellent sources of nutrients, including protein, vitamins, and fiber.

Eating a varied diet rich in vitamins and minerals can have a powerful effect on an individual’s wellbeing and improve the symptoms of chronic conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis.

Nutritious nightshades comprise the following:


This Eggplant is a component used in many diets, including the Mediterranean diet, and is carried out in many grocery stores.

The Eggplant is a great source of fiber, potassium, and vitamin B-1, B-6, and K.


They are a superb source of vitamins and minerals, such as biotin, iron, potassium, and zinc.

They also contain the antioxidant lycopene, which might improve inflammation.


Purple, white, and yellow Potatoes all offer a nutrient value that includes fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin B-6.


Bell peppers are great sources of vitamin A and C, potassium, and folic acid.

Anti-inflammatory foods:

According to the Arthritis Foundation, there’s absolutely no specific diet that an individual with rheumatoid arthritis must follow.

However, there are a number of foods that could help control inflammation. A number of these foods are present in the Mediterranean diet.

Anti-inflammatory foods advocated by the Arthritis Foundation include:

Oily fish: These have a high Omega-3 content that may reduce inflammation. Excellent sources include salmon, tuna, and anchovies.

Fruits and vegetables: Includes cherries, blueberry, kale, and broccoli they are full of antioxidant that helps the immune system.

Seeds and Nuts: it includes almonds, pine nuts, walnuts which may help in inflammation. Olive oil can have a similar impact.

Integrating these foods into recipes and daily meals is easy with a broad range of recipes available online and in cookbooks.

Are you allergic to nightshade vegetables?

Someone may be allergic to one or more nightshade vegetables if they encounter the following symptoms shortly after eating them:



Pale skin


Hives and skin rash

Anaphylaxis is a life-threatening response and a medical crisis.

If a person experiences a serious allergic reaction like anaphylaxis after eating any food, they should seek emergency medical attention and use an EpiPen, if one is available.

Bottom Line:

Nightshade vegetables are great sources of nourishment, and no study to date has linked them especially for greater inflammation or other symptoms of arthritis.

However, there are a few people with sensitivities or food allergies who demand the nightshade family.

Removing these foods may help individuals with sensitivity seek relief from their symptoms.

A person should speak with a dietitian if they’re concerned about the effects of a particular food on their wellbeing.

Ask your friends and loved ones for support.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain…

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