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Headache & Migraine

Migraine Headache Diet

Overview: Migraine Headache Diet– In the case of controlling migraine headaches, your diet could play an essential role in diminishing

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According to a recent study, very few adults actually meet the criteria for a good lifestyle. The study, published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, showed that only 3% of American adults got a perfect score on what the authors say are the four basic criteria for perfect living. Just 13.8% met three of the criteria; 34.2% met only two criteria. Women scored slightly better than men.

See how well you measure up on the researcher’s four keys to wholesomeness:

Do you smoke?

Are you able to maintain your weight (a BMI of 18-25), or are you successfully losing weight to maintain a right body shape?

Do you eat at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables daily?

Do you exercise 30 minutes or more, 5 times a week?

The good news is that these behaviors should not be foreign to you, as all but one are an integral part of the Weight Loss Clinic. Numbers 2 through 4 are the foundation of the WLC program, habits that we continually discuss, write about, and recommend.