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Bump on Gums

7 Most Frequent Causes & Signs of Bump on Gums


Bump on Gums: A lot of people suffer from gum pain or irritation at one moment. Plaque build-up and other bacteria can be the reason for gum irritation and pain.

The buildup may also cause bleeding and redness on the gums. But what happens if you get the possibility of a gum bump?

It can be quite frightening to discover a fresh bump, bumps on your gums aren’t typically an emergency medical situation.

In this article, bump on gums we’ll discuss 7 of the most frequent causes and show you the signs that you notice a gum bump may be an indication of something else more significant.

1. Cyst:

The term “cyst” refers to a tiny bubble that is filled with air, liquid, or other substances. Dental cysts can develop on your gums and around your teeth.

The majority of dental cysts are formed on the roots of decayed or tooth decay. They tend to grow slowly and are not a cause of discomfort until they are infected. If this happens you could feel swelling and pain in the area around your bump.

If it’s too large an area, a cyst could put stress on the teeth, which can lead to weakening in your jaw in the course of time.

Dental cysts are usually easy to eliminate with a simple surgical procedure. After the procedure, the doctor will also treat any tissue that is dead to stop the cyst from recurring.

Bump on Gums

2. Abscess:

An abscess that occurs on the gums is known as an abscess of the periodontal region. Infections caused by bacteria cause these tiny lumps of pus.

The abscess could appear like a smooth and warm bump. Dental abscesses can be extremely painful.

The symptoms include:

  • A throbbing pain that starts quickly and becomes much worse
  • Discomfort on one side can be felt in the jaw, ear, and neck
  • Pain that becomes more severe when you lay down
  • Swelling and redness in your gums or on your face

If you’ve got an abscess of the periodontal system then you should visit an experienced dentist at the earliest time possible.

They can eliminate the source of the infection as well as drain the pus. Based on the severity of the condition, they may have to remove a tooth or do the procedure of a root canal.

Bump on Gums

3. Canker sore:

Sores of the mouth are small ulcers that may develop on the bottom of your gums. They’re not like cold sores that can be caused by viruses.

Although canker sores don’t cause any harm, however, they can be uncomfortable particularly when they’re in the mouth.

The symptoms of canker sores are:

Bump on Gums and Canker sore
Bump on Gums
  • Yellow or white spots that have red borders
  • Bumps, which are flat or slightly elevated
  • Severe tenderness
  • Pain when eating and drinking

The majority of canker sores heal by themselves within between one and two weeks.

If you’re still experiencing pain you can apply an over-the-counter analgesic, such as this one, to assist in relieving the pain.

Bump on Gums

4. Fibroma:

Oral fibroma is one of the most frequently reported Sources of reasons for bumps like tumors on gums. Fibromas are lumps of non-cancerous origin that develop on irritation or damaged gum tissue.

If they appear in your gums they’re generally due to irritation caused by dentures or other dental devices.

They may also be:

  • Inside your cheeks
  • Under dentures
  • On the edges of your tongue.
  • On an inside lip

Fibromas are not painful. They typically feel like soft smooth oval lumps. Sometimes, they look like skin tags hanging from the ceiling. They could appear lighter or darker than your other gums.

In most cases, fibromas don’t require treatment. If it’s large, your doctor could surgically eliminate it.

Bump on Gums

5. Pyogenic Granuloma:

A dental pyogenic tumor is a red lump that appears inside your mouth, including the gums. It usually appears as an enlarged, blood-filled lump that is prone to bleeding.

The doctors aren’t certain what triggers these, but it is believed that is that minor irritations and minor injuries could be the culprits.

Women may also experience the condition during pregnancy, suggesting that hormonal changes could be the cause.

Pyogenic granulomas can be:

  • Soft
  • It is painless
  • Purple or red deep

The treatment usually involves the surgical treatment that involves the removal of the mass.

Bump on Gums

6. Mandibular Torus:

Mandibular Torus (plural: torus) is an abnormal bony growth that occurs within the lower or upper jaw. Bony lumps like these are widespread, but doctors aren’t certain what causes them.

Mandibular tori may appear on their own or as a group. They can be found on both sides of your jaw.

They usually appear on:

  • Your lower jaw’s insides
  • On the edges of your tongue.
  • Between or above your teeth.

Mandibular tori are slow to grow and change forms. They are usually hard and smooth and seldom require treatment.

Bump on Gums

7. Oral cancer:

Oral cancer, also known as mouth cancer, is the possibility of cancer in any area of your oral cavity which includes your gums.

A tumor that is cancerous on your gums could look like a small, swollen lump, or even a thickening or swelling on the surface.

Other signs of oral cancer comprise:

  • A sore that isn’t healing
  • A red or white spot on your gums
  • A bleeding sore
  • Tongue pain
  • Jaw pain
  • Loose teeth
  • Discomfort when chewing or swallowing
  • Difficulties swallowing or chewing
  • Sore throat

If you’re concerned that a bump could be cancerous, you must consult your physician to calm your nerves and get treatment as early as you can, if necessary.

The doctor may perform the procedure of a gum biopsy. This procedure involves the doctor collecting a tiny tissue sample of the bump and analyzing it for cancerous cells.

If the tumor is found the doctor will collaborate together with you to come to an appropriate treatment plan.

Treatment options include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, surgery, or any combination of the three.

Bump on Gums

When is the best time to visit your Doctor for a Bump on Gums:

Most of the time bumps on your gums aren’t dangerous. But, you must call your doctor immediately if you experience any of these symptoms as well as bumps:

Bump on Gums when to see a doctor
Bump on Gums when to see a doctor
  • The fever
  • Throbbing pain
  • A bad smell in your mouth, or bad breath that smells foul.
  • A sore that isn’t healing
  • A sore that is getting worse
  • A lump that won’t disappear after several weeks
  • White or red patches inside your mouth, or on your lips
  • A lump or sore that is bleeding


A bacterial abscess that forms on the gums can be known as a gum boil. It appears as bumps that swell that appear on the gum.

The primary cause of a gout boil is the presence of bacteria usually from plaque, food particles, or tooth decay which can cause inflammation beneath the gum’s surface. In rare cases, a gum boil is a sign of cancer in the mouth.

It is important to contact your doctor immediately if you are experiencing any of these signs as described in the previous article bump on gums.

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