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Picture of the Breasts , Breast Illustration

Breast Illustration


The Breast Illustrations: The tissue overlying the chest (pectoral) muscles. Women’s breasts are made of specialized tissue that creates milk (glandular tissue) in addition to fatty tissue.

The amount of fat determines how big the breast. Within each lobe are smaller constructions, called lobules, where milk is produced.

View breast illustrations of the milk travel through a network of little tubes called ducts. The ducts connect and come together into larger ducts, which finally exit the skin in the nipple.

The dark area of skin surrounding the nipple is called the areola.

Connective tissue and ligaments offer aid to the breast and give it its shape. Nerves provide sensation to the breast.

Breast Conditions:

Medical breast illustrations of the female anatomy:

Breast cancer:

Malignant (cancer) cells multiplying abnormally from the breast, finally spreading to the remainder of the body when untreated.

Breast cancer occurs nearly exclusively in women, although men may be affected.

Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS):

Breast cancer in the duct cells that haven’t invaded deeper or propagate through the body.

However, women with DCIS have a high chance of getting cured.

Lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS):

Although known as a carcinoma LCIS, which occurs from the milk-producing lobule cells, does not invade or spread and isn’t true cancer.

However, women with LCIS have an increased likelihood of developing invasive breast cancer in the future.

Invasive ductal carcinoma:

Breast cancer begins in the duct cells but then invisibly deeper into the breast, taking the potential of spreading to the rest of the human body (metastasizing).

Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most frequent type of invasive breast cancer.

Invasive lobular carcinoma:

Breast cancer starts from the milk-producing lobule cells, but invades deeper to the breast, carrying the potential of spreading to the remainder of the human body (metastasizing).

An invasive lobular carcinoma is an uncommon form of breast cancer.

A benign (noncancerous), fluid-filled sac that generally develops in women in their 30s or 40s.

Breast fibroadenoma:

A very common noncancerous solid tumor of the breast. A normal fibroadenoma creates a painless, mobile lump from the breast and most commonly occurs in women in their 20s or 30s.

Fibrocystic breast disease:

A common condition in which noncancerous breast lumps might become uncomfortable and change in size through the menstrual cycle.

Usual hyperplasia of the breast:

A breast biopsy may reveal normal-appearing, noncancerous ductal cells multiplying abnormally.

The presence of normal hyperplasia may slightly increase a woman’s lifetime risk of breast cancer.

Atypical hyperplasia of the breast:

Abnormal-appearing cells multiplying in the breast ducts (atypical ductal hyperplasia) or lobules (atypical lobular hyperplasia), occasionally discovered by a breast biopsy.

Phyllodes tumor:

A rare, usually large, rapidly growing breast gland that looks like a fibroadenoma on ultrasound. Phyllodes tumors can be benign or cancerous and many commonly develop in women in their 40s.

Fat necrosis:

In response to an accident in the fatty part of the breast, a lump of scar tissue might develop. This mass can look like breast cancer on evaluation or at mammograms.


Inflammation of the breast, causing redness, pain, heat, and swelling. Nursing moms are at higher risk for mastitis, which is ordinarily the result of the disease.

Breast calcifications:

Calcium deposits in the breast are a frequent finding on mammograms. The design of calcium may suggest cancer, leading to further tests or a biopsy.


Overdevelopment of male breasts. Gynecomastia can affect newborns, boys, and men.

Breast Test:

Breast Test
Breast Test

Medical breast illustrations of female and tests include:

Physical Exam:

By examining the breast and neighboring underarm tissue for lumps, skin changes, nipple discharge, or lymph nodes, a doctor can find any abnormalities in the breast.

A mammography machine compresses every breast and takes low-dose X-rays.

Digital mammogram:

A mammogram that stores the digital images of each breast in an electronic, computer-readable format.

Breast ultrasound:

A device placed on the skin bounces high-frequency sound waves through breast tissue.

Breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI scan):

An MRI scanner utilizes a high profile magnet and a computer to make detailed images of the breast and surrounding structures.

Breast biopsy:

A small sample of tissue is taken from an abnormal-appearing area of the breast that’s observed on physical exam, mammogram, examined for cancer cells.

Fine needle aspiration (FNA) breast biopsy:

A physician inserts a thin needle into an abnormal-appearing field of the breast and draws out (aspirates) fluid and breast tissue.

Core needle breast biopsy:

A bigger, hollow needle is inserted into a breast mass, and a tube-shaped piece of breast tissue (center ) is pulled out. A core biopsy supplies more breast tissue for evaluation than an FNA biopsy.

Stereotactic breast biopsy:

A breast biopsy in which computerized pictures help the health care provider attain the precise location of the abnormal breast tissue to remove a sample.

Sentinel node biopsy:

A kind of biopsy where the healthcare provider finds and removes the lymph node(s) which the primary tumor is the most likely to disperse.

This sort of biopsy helps determine the probability that cancer has spread.

Ductogram (galactogram):

A thin plastic tube is inserted into a duct in the breast, and contrast dye is injected into the breast to assist the doctors to view the breast ducts.

A ductogram can help identify the reason for bloody nipple discharge.

Nipple smear (nipple discharge test ):

A sample of bloody or abnormal fluid leaked from the nipple is analyzed under the microscope to see whether any cancer cells are present.

Breast Remedies & Treatments:

Medical breast illustrations of female and treatments include:


Surgery to remove a breast lump (which can be breastfeeding) and a few normal tissues surrounding it.

These lymph nodes are the gateway for cancer cells to spread to the remainder of the body.


A Chemotherapy can be given to minimize the size of cancer or to reduce its chance of spreading or returning.

Medicine taken as tablets or donated through the veins to kill cancer cells.

Radiation treatment:

High-energy radiation waves directed by a machine in the breast, chest wall, and armpit may kill remaining cancer cells after the operation (external beam radiation).

Breast Illustrations & Breast reconstruction:

When a whole breast or massive amounts of breast tissue have been removed, like after a mastectomy, the breast can be reconstructed using either an implant or tissue from your own body.


In cases of mastitis caused by bacteria, antibiotics can usually cure the disease.

Breast Illustrations & Breast augmentation:

Surgery to boost the size or enhance the shape of the breasts, utilizing artificial implants.

In women, this can be done to relieve neck or back pain from exceptionally massive breasts. Men may also look for breast reduction for gynecomastia.

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