Prime Health Blog

Tattoo Scabbing

Tattoo Scabbing | Tattoo Bubbling – How to Deal With it


Tattoo Scabbing:  A new tattoo requires three steps: You first get inked. Then you let the tattoo heal for several weeks before you finally admire the artwork.

Remember that the last step can be difficult and takes time. It’s important to complete the first two steps correctly in order to avoid complications and get a great final result.

Sometimes things can go wrong during this process. The most common problem during healing is tattoo bubbling.

This causes the scabs of your healing tattoo to swell and then become soft and gooey. These scabs stick to clothing easily and can be accidentally pulled off while caring for your tattoo.

Although tattoo bubbling can be harmless, it could cause damage to your tattoo’s appearance. An infection can also be caused by untreated tattoo bubbling.

Tattoo Scabbing

Why is this happening?

It can be difficult to care for a healing tattoo. Your tattoo might feel wet at first, but it will eventually dry.

Your tattooed skin will scab as it heals. This is normal.  It’s important not to pick at or scratch off the scabs, as this can ruin your tattoo.

This is not an easy task, since scabbing tattoos can become itchy when they dry out. Itching can be reduced by keeping your tattoo moist, but not too wet.

When scabs are too wet, it is called tattoo bubbling. This happens when your tattoos are not completely dry after showering. The scabs then become saturated with water. You apply too much lotion or ointment.

Tattoo bubbling can increase your chances of getting an infection and damage your tattoo.

Your tattoos will bubble more if they cover a larger area. But, tattoos can be affected by bubbling regardless of their size or color. It can occur during the healing phase of a new tattoo.

Tattoo Scabbing

Is it infected with something?

Tattoos are done by using small, ink-coated needles to break the skin. This can cause skin damage and allow germs to get in and cause you illness.

You should only get your tattoo done by a licensed professional who has access to clean tattoo equipment. However, regardless of how skilled your tattoo artist may be, you still have the chance of getting infected when you get a tattoo.

Healthy tattoos may appear reddish, raised up, or itchy during healing. This is normal. Your tattoo may leak plasma from time to time. Plasma helps your tattoo heal.

The scabs that are created to protect your tattoo from injury can bubble up or fall off. This allows bacteria to enter your skin and cause infection.

Tattoo Scabbing

An infected tattoo can be identified by:

Tattoo Scabbing |Tattoo Bubbling
  • Identifying your tattoo
  • You may experience increased or sustained pain in the area around your tattoo.
  • An itchy, red, bumpy rash on and around your tattoo
  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Your tattoo is leaving pus
  • Open sores in your tattoo

What to do:

You should dry your tattoo immediately if it starts bubbling.

Here are some tips:

  1. For 1 day, you can leave lotion or ointment out of your aftercare routine.
  2. Do not wash your tattoos until they are completely dry.
  3. Avoid allowing clothing or accessories to touch your bubbling tattoo. This can cause scabs to rip off and damage.
  4. Allow your tattoo to dry on its own until it becomes more hardened and adheres to your skin. This could take up to several hours.
  5. The next day, you can resume your usual aftercare routine. However, be extra careful to dry your tattoo completely before applying any lotion or ointment.

Tattoo Scabbing

Will it ruin the tattoo?

You won’t likely ruin your tattoo if you can dry the tattoo bubbling before you accidentally rub off the scabs.

If you don’t watch out for tattoo bubbling, and if your scabs (along with the ink) are not removed from your skin, it can be a disaster. If your tattoo bubbles cause an infection, you can also ruin it.

Avoid wearing clothing or accessories that could rub against your tattoo if you have a tattoo bubbling. You should also avoid touching your tattoo or washing it until it dries.

This reduces the chance of your tattoo being damaged or scabbed.

Tattoo Scabbing

Careful aftercare tips:

Follow the instructions of your tattoo artist for aftercare. The majority of tattoo artists follow a similar procedure. This includes:

  • You can leave the bandage or wrap that your tattoo artist has placed on your tattoo for several hours after you have inked.
  • For 3 to 4 days, gently wash your tattoo with unscented soap. Dry the tattoo and then apply a thin layer of unscented healing oil.
  • Continue washing for 2 to 3 weeks, but replace the ointment after 3 or 4 days with an unscented lotion.

Preventing tattoo bubbling is the best way to stop it from happening. Here are some tips to stop tattoos bubbling:

  • When you shower or wash your tattoo, don’t let it get too wet.
  • To avoid getting your tattoo soaked, stand with it when you wash your body in the tub.
  • For a few weeks, avoid taking baths or soaking in any form.
  • Before applying any lotion or ointment, make sure that your tattoo is completely dry.
  • Do not apply too much lotion or ointment.
  • Apply too much lotion or ointment to your skin. Blot it off with a paper towel.

Tattoo Scabbing

When should you see a doctor?

If you suspect that you may have an infection in your tattoo, you should immediately consult your doctor. Like all infections, tattoo infections can be very serious.

An infection that isn’t treated quickly can lead to permanent damage to your tattoo.

Tattoo Scabbing

The Bottom Line:

Many people who get new tattoos experience tattoo bubbling during healing. Tattoo bubbling is usually not a problem and can be treated easily.

To prevent tattoo damage and infection, it is important to immediately address tattoo bubbling. Avoiding over-saturating or over-moisturizing your skin is the best way to prevent tattoo bubbling.

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