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Sleep Sex

Understanding Sleep Sex Disorder (Sexsomnia)


Sleep  Sex: Sleepwalking, sleeping talking, and even driving while asleep are just a few of the sleep disorders you’ve been aware of. You might have had one or more of them yourself.

A sleep disorder that you may not be familiar with is also known as sexual sleep, sleep sex, or  Sexsomnia, which is similar to sleepwalking and is a form of parasomnia.

Parasomnia results from your brain’s inability to distinguish between sleep phases. This transitional phase can cause it to appear like you’re awake, even though you’re asleep.

Sleep-related sexsomnia sufferers experience sexual behaviors. These sexual behaviors can range from sexual intercourse to masturbation. Treatment for problems with sleep or behavior can treat sleep sex too.


Sexsomnia differs from sex-related dreams. Dreams about sexuality are common for both adults and teens. These dreams are different from sexually induced sleep.

The people who suffer from this disorder engage in sexual acts while they sleep usually with others.

The problem with parasomnia such as sleep sexual arousal is that the individual who suffers from the disorder might not be aware of it.

Roommates, parents, or family members may initially observe the behaviors. The person suffering from the disorder might not even be aware that it is happening until someone else alerts them to the problem.

The most common sexsomnia-related behaviors are:

  • Engaging in foreplay or fondling an alleged bedmate
  • Pelvic thrusting
  • Sexually explicit behaviors mimicking sexual interaction
  • Masturbation
  • Sexual encounter
  • Spontaneous orgasm
  • The glassy, empty look of eyes when you observe these types of behavior

If the individual isn’t aware of the behaviors after they wake up, it could indicate parasomnia. A person who is experiencing sexsomnia might be awake and appear to be awake. However, they’re having an amnesiac episode and will not remember anything.

Also, the subtle changes in sexual behavior could be an indication of sleep sex disorders. Sexually impaired people may be more assertive during periods of sexual intimacy during sleep than they would otherwise.

The inhibitions may be less because they’re asleep, and therefore the behavior may appear different from the other partners.


It’s not known what causes individuals to experience sexsomnia however, doctors are aware of a variety of factors that could cause it. This includes:

Sleep sex or Sexsomnia Irregular Sleep patterns

  • Sleep deprivation
  • More stress
  • Anxiety
  • Fatigue
  • Certain medicines
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Taking recreational drugs or prescription medications you were not prescribed
  • Sleep patterns that are irregular

Risk factors:

Certain medical conditions can cause sexsomnia as well. These disorders can affect sleep. These include:

  • Sleep disorders that occur simultaneously, such as sleep talking, sleepwalking, or sleeping
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Obstructive sleep apnea with obstructive sleep
  • Epilepsy that is sleep-related
  • E.R.D. (GERD)
  • Head injuries to the head
  • Migraines


It’s unclear how widespread the condition is, but it’s regarded as extremely rare. A study showed an average of 8 percent of patients attending a Canadian Sleep sex disorder center displayed signs of the disorder. The men were 3 times as likely as women to suffer from the disorder. Females with sexsomnia were much more likely to have sex.

Be aware that the results of the study were limited to patients at a specific Sleep Disorder Clinic. This condition is probably smaller within the population at large.

The people who suffer from Sleep sex disorder might not disclose their symptoms as they may be embarrassed or insecure or not aware of the disorder. This could mean that there are more cases than are recognized. Of the 832 participants of the Canadian study, there were only four who expressed concerns about sexsomnia when consulting with sleep experts.

Need help?

Things you don’t remember doing during your sleep could be alarming. Some sexually-related actions can be harmless, like masturbating. However, for others, it could be very grave. In fact, sexsomnia is been utilized as a defense source in rape cases.

People who have sexsomnia as a partner could be worried that the behavior is an indication of discontent in the relationship. This could lead to an increase in tension between you and your partner.

There are many legitimate reasons to seek treatment to treat the sleep disorders you suffer from. If a loved one has reported strange sleep patterns to you over the course of several weeks or even months, set up an appointment to see a specialist in sleep. If you don’t have a sleep specialist seek a recommendation from your family physician.


Diagnosing sleep sex

Before visiting your physician, consult anyone who has witnessed your sexual sex behavior during sleep to note the things they’ve observed. Also, keep an account of your sleep habits.

An account of these sleep sexual incidents could be sufficient for your doctor to identify the issue. If not then they might suggest for you undergo an examination of your sleep.

Sleep studies are generally performed in medical facilities that are specialized. Polysomnography, also known as a test is a method of recording the following information while you the night:

  • Brain waves
  • Heart rate
  • Breathing pattern
  • Eye and leg movements

One night at the sleep center could suffice. The doctor might also suggest staying longer to get an understanding of your sleeping habits. If you notice any changes in your sleep patterns during your stay in the sleep center it could confirm the diagnosis of your doctor.

If Sleep sex or sexsomnia-related episode doesn’t occur during your stay at the study center Your doctor could request more studies later. They could also run other tests to determine possible reasons.


Treatment for insomnia is usually highly effective. The most common are:

Treating sleep disorders with an underlying cause:

If sexsomnia could be due to a sleeping disorder, such as sleep apnea or restless legs syndrome, treating the root disorder can also help stop unwanted sexual behavior. Sleep apnea, as an example, is usually treated using the continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine.

Changes in medications:

If you began the new medication soon after the symptoms of Sleep sex or sexsomnia began changing your medication could end the problem. Sleep medicines, including prescription ones, can trigger parasomnia symptoms.

The underlying cause of the problem:

Disorders like anxiety, depression, and stress can lead to insomnia and disordered sleep. Talk therapy or medication could be treatment options to stop sexual behavior.

New medicines:

Although some medicines may cause sexsomnia others can end it. Antidepressants and anti-seizure medications can be prescribed.


Treatment of the root causes effectively treats sexsomnia in the majority of instances. There are occasions when you may experience periodic sexsomnia, especially in the event that your sleep patterns alter or you develop other sleep problems. The majority of people find relief through treatment.

Strategies for managing this health issue:

Strategies for managing sleep sex disorder

The lifestyle changes you make can lower the risk of sexsomnia, and may even prevent future episodes.

Talk to your family members and your partner:

Sleep sex or Sexsomnia may put other individuals who are in your life at risk. It could also impact the relationships between you and your loved ones. It is important to let those you love about the condition the treatment you’re taking and what they could assist you. Honesty is the most effective policy.

Create a protective environment:

As long as treatments aren’t working make sure you create a safe place for yourself and your loved family members.

  • Sleep in separate bedrooms
  • You can put yourself in a space that has an unlocked door
  • Install alarms that will warn people when you’re moving about

Avoid triggers:

Alcohol consumption and recreational drugs can cause sleep and sexual activity. Knowing the triggers that trigger sleep sex can aid in preventing sexsomnia-related episodes.

Be sure to practice good hygiene at night:

Sleeping in a consistent manner every night is essential to avoid the development of sexsomnia. Lack of sleep and changes in sleeping patterns can trigger symptoms in the condition. Establish a bedtime, and keep it.

Hope you find this article, on sleep sex helpful enough to understand the topic. Feel free to leave a comment below.


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