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A type of anxiety disorder called zoophobia (or fear of animals)

10 Important Facts About Zoophobia


A fear that is uncontrollable and intensely attached to animals is called Zoophobia. It can lead to significant stress and reduced quality of your life.

However, it is possible to treat phobias and anxiety disorders that are related to phobias.

Continue reading to find out more about zoophobia including its causes and symptoms as well as treatment options.

What is zoophobia exactly?

A type of anxiety disorder called zoophobia (or fear of animals) is when a person feels anxiety or fear due to thinking or seeing animals.

Anxiety disorders are one of the most common mental illnesses. They affect 31.1% of Americans and 264 million people around the world.

Possible treatments for zoophobia include exposure therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

Phobia is fear or Anxiety over a particular object or situation. Most people are anxious about triggers such as blood, needles, and heights.

A person suffering from a phobia may feel extreme fear and anxiety, even if the threat to the object or situation is not real.

There are several types of phobias, including:

  • Specific Phobias: These are when an object or situation causes excessive fear or anxiety.
  • Social anxiety disorder: This condition was once known as social anxiety. This is severe anxiety about performative and social situations.
  • Agoraphobia: This is the fear of being trapped in unfavorable situations or environments that make it difficult to escape.

A subset of phobias is called Zoophobia. Here are some examples of zoophobias:

  • Arachnophobia (fear or fear of spiders).
  • Apiphobia (fear of honeybees)
  • Cynophobia (fear or aggression towards dogs)
  • Entomophobia (fear or aversion to insects)
  • Ichthyophobia (fear or enmity towards fish)
  • Murophobia (fear of rats and mice)
  • Ornithophobia (fear ornithology)
  • Ophidiophobia (fear of snakes).

Causes of Zoophobia:

Researchers from Germany discovered that between 5.4% and 11.1%Trusted Source had experienced a specific fear in the past 12 months.

Researchers from Germany also discovered that 8.3% to 13.8% of people have had specific phobias all their lives.

According to a 2018 review by Trusted Source, the most common phobias are zoophobia (fear of heights) and zoophobia (fear of heights).

It is still not clear what causes many phobias.

After a frightening or stressful experience, a person can develop a fear of something. A child can also develop a fear of certain things after witnessing a caregiver or parent with phobias.

A dog bite in childhood can lead to a fear of dogs.

A person can develop a specific fear at any time in their lives, but most phobias begin during childhood, at around 8 years old, according to a 2017 study.

According to a 2018 review, many phobias can come and go in childhood and adolescence. However, some may remain into adulthood.

Specific Phobias are more common in females than they are in males.

According to the World Mental Health Surveys (WMS), 9.8% of females reported that they had a specific fear, while only 4.9% of men did.

Signs and symptoms:

A type of anxiety disorder called zoophobia
Zoophobia or fear of animals

These symptoms may be experienced by someone with zoophobia:

A feeling of fear or anxiety that is uncontrollable in the presence or when thinking about an animal that causes the phobic reaction

Avoiding fear is the best way to get rid of it.

Recognizing that the fear response to actual threats is excessive and unproportional, but not being able to control it

Fear is a fear that the animal can cause to feel unwell.

Zoophobia is characterized by feelings of fear, panic, and anxiety.

These psychological reactions can cause the following symptoms:
  • An increased heart rate
  • Breathing rate: slow or rapid
  • It is important to sweat
  • Chills
  • Trembling or shaking
  • Numbness
  • Dry mouth
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • There is confusion
These actions may be used by children with zoophobia to express fear or anxiety:
  • Crying
  • Sourcing
  • A tantrum
  • You may try to hide behind someone or something.
  • Physically clinging on to a caregiver or parent
  • Stillness or silence


There are several treatment options available that can help with phobias like zoophobia. These options will be discussed in greater detail in the sections below.

Exposure therapy:

Exposure therapy is currently the best treatment for phobia disorders like zoophobia.

Exposure therapy, a type of psychotherapy, helps people overcome their fears and anxiety.

A trained mental health professional will expose the person to their fear or anxiety during exposure therapy.

During exposure therapy, the mental health professional will observe the person’s thoughts, emotions, and sensations.

Exposure therapy should only be administered by a licensed mental healthcare professional.

They must have been trained and educated in the treatment of anxiety disorders and exposure therapy.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy:

Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), a treatment that uses cognitive behavior therapy (CBT), is also effective for zoophobia or other anxiety disorders.

CBT is a method that helps people identify and change irrational beliefs and thoughts. CBT is usually done in collaboration with licensed therapists.

This allows people to learn skills that will allow them to identify and manage negative behaviors and irrational beliefs.

Individuals with specific phobias might have one fear or multiple. Individuals with multiple phobias are more likely to develop anxiety or mood disorders than those with one phobia.

There are other options:

For people suffering from multiple anxiety disorders or phobias, a mental health professional might recommend exposure therapy, CBT, and medication.

These are some examples of effective medication for anxiety disorders:

  • Antidepressants include selective serotonin receptor inhibitors and tricyclic depressants.
  • Beta-blockers are used to relieve anxiety symptoms like high blood pressure or rapid heartbeat.
  • Such tranquilizers include benzodiazepines

There is no single treatment for zoophobia. Each person is unique and requires a customized treatment plan that addresses their individual symptoms, lifestyle, and preferences.

There are many effective medications for anxiety disorders. However, there is always a risk of side effects.

Before trying any of the treatment options, it is important to consult your doctor.

The Bottom Line:

Zoophobia, also known as a fear of animals or stress, is a phobia that develops in childhood.

Zoophobia is a condition that causes extreme fear of a particular animal. Exposure therapy, CBT, or both can be used to treat zoophobia.

Zoophobia may also lead to other phobias, anxiety, or mood disorders.

Multiple mental health conditions can make it necessary to use a combination therapy approach that includes both medication and therapy.

Ask your friends and loved ones for support.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain…

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Q: How common is Zoophobia?

A: Zoophobia is a common anxiety disorder that can affect up to 6 percent of people. This specific phobia refers to a fear of animals.

Q: What causes Hemophobia?

A: A negative past experience with blood could be a cause of hemophobia. People who have suffered a trauma or illness that has resulted in a significant loss of blood could be at greater risk. Hemophilia can be passed down through the generations or inherited.

Q: What is a Bibliophobia?

A: Some people panic at the thought of reading a book. This is called bibliophobia. The root of the word is “biblion” or “Biblio”, which is Greek for a book. Phobia is Greek for fear. … Bibliophobia is classified by the APA as a specific or simple phobia.

Q: What is zoophobia?

A: A fear of animals is called Zoophobia. An anxiety disorder called specific phobia refers to a fear of animals, objects, or situations.

Q: What does zoophobia mean?

A: One of the many forms of phobias is Zoophobia. Zoophobia is an overwhelming fear or dislikes for animals, it is basically a quite common anxiety disorder.

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