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Thalassophobia: For certain people who are afraid of the ocean is easily dealt with. However, being scared of the ocean can be more of a problem.

Thalassophobia: Overcome Your Fear of the Ocean


Thalassophobia: For certain people who are afraid of the ocean is easily dealt with. However, for others, being scared of the ocean can be more of a problem.

In the event that your fear of water is intense that it is affecting on your day-to-day life, then you might have Thalassophobia or a fear of the ocean.

In this article, we’ll look at the symptoms, causes, and diagnosis of Thalassophobia.

We will also look at ways to treat it and strategies to conquer fears of swimming.

What are the signs?

Thalassophobia can adversely affect your lifestyle.

Because it is a kind of anxiety-related disorder symptoms in thalassophobia are similar to those that are commonly associated with anxiety disorders.


When you imagine the ocean you could be able to experience:

  • Arousal and restlessness are common in everyday life
  • Be concerned, and more so than normal
  • Difficulty falling asleep and not being able to sleep, and could lead to sleepiness
  • Anxiety and panic attacks, which can be frequent enough to cause the panic disorder.

Certain people suffering from anxiety disorders may also experience panic attacks.

When you experience a panic attack you might feel as if the heart beats faster or is pounding.

Additionally, you might feel nauseated. It is also possible to experience shaking, sweating, or fainting.

Some sufferers even experience a sense of imminent destruction and dissociation.

If you’re afraid of the sea, the symptoms of anxiety could appear at any moment.

For instance, they could occur when you’re on the beach or when driving by the ocean. They could appear while you fly across the ocean in the air.

Based on the extent of thalassophobia you could be anxious when you look at a photo of the ocean or experiencing the phrase “ocean.”

What are the causes?

There are many reasons why someone might develop a fear of the ocean.

Exposure to stimuli that trigger an anxiety response could result in developing a fear.

The trigger could be traumatic like a near-drowning or witnessing a shark attack on the ocean. This kind of phobia is known as an experiential fear.

Phobias can also be triggered without trauma or experience.

These kinds of non-experiential phobias could arise from one of the following triggers:

Genetic factors:

Having an ancestor or parent who has a fear of the sea could increase your chances of developing thalassophobia.

Environmental factors:

Hearing about other events that are traumatic such as drownings, or sea attacks, or in the ocean, can cause anxiety about the sea.

Developmental factors:

Such as the fear-response region of the brain hasn’t been properly developed which makes it more difficult for phobias to develop.

It is vital to realize that with thalassophobia the fear of the sea becomes an automatic, irrational reaction that the sufferer is unable to control.

What is the process of diagnosing it?

The doctor may employ various tools to determine if you suffer from Thalassophobia.

First, you must determine whether there’s an underlying cause for anxiety.

In some instances, there may be physical causes for anxiety-related increases, for example, irritable bowel syndrome, or some neurological conditions.

If your doctor has decided that there isn’t a physical reason behind your phobia they may then refer you to diagnosis criteria of the American Psychiatric Association to guide the treatment of a specific fear, in this instance, thalassophobia.

The diagnostic criteria may comprise:

Thalassophobia: For certain people who are afraid of the ocean is easily dealt with. However, being scared of the ocean can be more of a problem.
Fear of the ocean
  • An incessant, unfounded, and excessive anxiety about the sea
  • The immediate fight-or-flight response after exposure to the ocean.
  • Completely avoiding the ocean
  • Ongoing fear of the sea for at six months at
  • A recognition that the fear is not proportional to the risk of the ocean
  • A certain amount of diagnostic criteria can aid your doctor in determining the presence of Thalassophobia.

Does anyone know of a treatment that works?

Beating the fear of the ocean can be achieved with the proper kind of therapy.

There are numerous treatments available and it could take some time to locate an option that will work for you.

Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is an alternative treatment method that focuses on changing negative behaviors and thoughts to healthier ones.

According to a Study in 2013, researchers employed neuroimaging techniques to study the effect of CBT on phobia-related disorders.

Phobias can trigger visible activation of the Source and alteration in the neural pathways in the brain.

Researchers have discovered that CBT is a major positive impact on the neural pathways of those suffering from specific phobias like fears of swimming.

Another option for treatment is exposure therapy. It is an element of CBT.

People who suffer from fears actively avoid the item or event they are scared of, which may increase the severity of the phobia.

Exposure therapy is a method of exposing the patient to their fears in a secure environment.

If you suffer from thalassophobia, it could include watching images or video clips of oceans, with an expert in mental health in your corner.

It could also involve visiting a beach or swimming with your toes in the sea, but again with a qualified professional at your side.

In time, this kind of safe exposure may lessen the fear factor that comes with the sea.

There are also a few methods that are experimental to treat fears, including Auricular therapy, as well as VR therapy.

Both treatments rely on the visual system in the brain. But, as they are still in their early stages, further study is required to determine their effectiveness.

The use of medication is not recommended for those who are afraid of the sea, as the above treatments have a high rate of success.

For those who require a short-term solution to the symptoms of anxiety, medications could be a viable alternative.


If you’re afraid of the sea, or another phobia that affects your daily life, there are groups that can help:

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI): NAMI has both a text and phone crisis number.

National Institute of Mental Health (NIH): The NIH has a complete list of resources that can be used for immediate and long-term support.

Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator (SAMHSA): The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration provides an instrument that lets you locate the mental health treatment services available within your region.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: The Suicide Prevention Lifeline is a non-cost 24/7 resource that can assist those in situations of crisis.

The Bottom line:

Thalassophobia, also known as anxiety about the sea is a particular fear which can adversely affect the quality of your life.

If you think you require assistance in overcoming anxiety about the sea A psychologist can aid you.

Thalassophobia is treated with cognitive-behavioral therapy or exposure therapy that both have an extremely high rate of success.

As time passes, treating your anxiety about the ocean could aid in restoring your enjoyment of living.

Ask your friends and loved ones for support.

Thalassophobia: For certain people who are afraid of the ocean is easily dealt with. However, being scared of the ocean can be more of a problem.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain…

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Q: How do you know if you have thalassophobia?

A: Symptoms of Thalassophobia:
Arousal and restlessness are common during the daytime.
Be concerned, and more than normal.
Difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep, as well as possible sleepiness.
Panic attacks and anxiety attacks may be frequent enough to cause the panic disorder.

Q: What is the weirdest phobia?

A: Here are a few of the weirdest fears you can experience.
Ergophobia- It’s the fear of the workplace or work.
Somniphobia- Sometimes referred to as hypnophobia it’s the anxiety of sleeping.
Chaetophobia- It is related to the fear of loose or detached hairs, or get terrified by the hair on their bodies.
Oikophobia- This type of phobia is related to fear of houses, home surroundings, and certain items.
Panphobia- In this condition, a person is fearing everything it is described as constantly dreading some vague and unknown evil.
Ablutophobia- In this phobia, it is the persistent and abnormal fear of bathing, cleaning, and washing.

Q: What is spider phobia called?

A: Arachnophobia is the term used to describe the extreme fear of spiders or phobia. Although it’s not unusual for people to be arachnid-phobic or insects, phobias about spiders could have a more profound impact on your daily life.

Q: What is the #1 phobia?

A: In general, public speaking fear is the most common fear in America and 25.3 percent of people say they are scared of speaking before an audience. Clowns (7.6 percent ) are feared) are more terrifying than ghosts (7.3 percent) However, zombies are more frightening in comparison to each (8.9 percentage).

Q: Why do I have thalassophobia?

A: Thalassophobia may also be triggered by traumatizing events. A near-drowning incident in childhood or experiencing a shark attack, not being able to the art of swimming, and hearing stories about scary experiences in the ocean are only some of the possible circumstances that can cause Thalassophobia.

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