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Infected Nose Piercing: After the piercing of your nose its normal to experience some redness, swelling bleeding, or bruising that lasts for some time.

Infected Nose Piercing Bump & How to Get Rid of it


What’s the cause of this bump?

Infected Nose Piercing: After the piercing of your nose it’s normal to experience some redness, swelling bleeding, or bruising that lasts for some time.

In this article, we discuss five ways to Treat an Infected Nose Piercing.

When the piercing begins healing, you’ll notice that it’s common to:

  • The area that itches
  • The pus will ooze white from the site of the piercing
  • A slight crust will form around the jewel

It could take as long as six months after a nose puncture completely heal. If you notice that the symptoms are becoming worse or changing or you notice an increase in the size of a bump that could signal the presence of a problem.

Infected Nose Piercing

A bump that pierces the nose is usually one of three conditions:

  • A pustule is a pimple or blisters with pus
  • A granuloma is a type of lesion that can occur in an average of 6 weeks following an injury.
  • A keloid is an example of a thick scar that develops on the site of the piercing

The bumps could result from a variety of factors, such as:

  • A poor technique for piercing
  • Touching your piercings with dirty hands
  • Making use of the wrong products to remove your cutting
  • An allergic reaction can occur to jewelry.

It is not recommended to drain pus or take off crusts since this can aggravate your symptoms and result in an increase in scarring.

In most instances, the bump will heal by treatment. Continue reading to find out what you can do to heal the region and avoid further irritation.

Infected Nose Piercing

When to seek immediate medical care for Infected Nose Piercing:

While minor redness and swelling are to be expected, indicators for a serious illness are:

  • A painful, uncomfortable sensation burning, throbbing or throbbing on the site of the piercing.
  • A strange tenderness in the site of the piercing.
  • A sour odor is accompanied by the pus being yellow or green from the site of the piercing.

If you’re suffering from some of these signs, do not take off your jewelry. The removal of your jewelry can cause the piercing to close which may keep harmful bacteria in the piercing location. This could lead to an even more serious infection.

Consult your piercer as quickly as you can. They’ll provide professional advice regarding your symptoms and give you the advice to ensure you receive the proper treatment.

If you’re not experiencing these symptoms check out these five ways to Treat an Infected Nose Piercing:

1. You might need to replace your jewelry:

Jewelry is usually made from nickel, which is a type of metal. It can trigger an allergic reaction for some people, which can cause a bump to develop.

Other symptoms are:

  • Itchy, intense
  • The redness and blisters
  • Skin that is dry or thickened
  • Skin discolored

The only way to fix it is to replace the jewelry with a ring or stud that is made of hypoallergenic material.

If you’re sensitive to nickel the best jewelry-making materials are:

  • 18- or 24-karat gold
  • Stainless steel
  • Titanium
  • Niobium

If the piercing on your nose is not more than six months old, it’s not advisable to switch your jewelry out by yourself. This could cause the tissue of your nose to tear.

Instead, go to your piercer and ask them to change the jewelry on your behalf.

When you’ve reached the 6-month healing time, you’re able to change the jewelry by yourself if you’re at ease doing so. If you’d like that your piercer does it, they can help you with the process.

Infected Nose Piercing

2. Be sure to wash your piercings at least two times per day:

Infected Nose Piercing: After the piercing of your nose its normal to experience some redness, swelling bleeding, or bruising that lasts for some time.
Infected Nose Piercing

Piercings that are new should be cleaned twice to three times every day. Your piercer should be able to give you more specific advice.

If you are going to touch your nose for any reason It is important to clean your hands thoroughly with liquid soap and warm water. Clean your hands using an absorbent paper towel and follow up with cleaning your puncturing.

The piercer will recommend the best cleaners to make use of. They’ll probably advise against using soaps containing triclosan for cleaning your piercing since they may dry out the skin around it.

Other products to avoid are:

  • Iodopovidone (Betadine)
  • Chlorhexidine (Hibiclens)
  • Isopropyl alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide

Also, be wary of:

  • Picking up any crust that is formed around the cutting
  • Spinning or moving your stud or ring when the piercing is dry
  • Applying topical ointments to the area since they restrict the circulation of air.

It is important to clean your piercings every daily for the first six months. Even if the piercing appears as if it’s healed on the outside, the tissue within the nose could bring healing.

Infected Nose Piercing

3. Cleanse your skin with sea salt soak:

Cleanse your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap. Dry them with a towel.

If your piercer does not recommend specific soap, you must make use of a salt solution to cleanse your puncturing.

Create your salt solution by adding 1 teaspoon of sea salt that is not iodized to 8 inches of warm water.


  1. Take a paper towel in a salt solution.
  2. Place the paper towel that is saturated on your nose while piercing it for 5-10 minutes. This is known as a warm compress. It can help to soften any crust or discharge around the puncturing. It might cause some stinging.
  3. It may be beneficial to apply the wet paper towel every two minutes or to keep the area warm.
  4. After compressing, you can make use of the clean cotton bud that has been coated with salt to gently clean any discharge or moistened crust from the outside and inside of your nose, piercing.
  5. You could also soak a fresh piece of paper towel in a salt solution, then squeeze it across the area to wash it.
  6. Utilize a clean piece of tissue paper to lightly rub the area to dry.
  7. Repeat the process two or three times per day.

Infected Nose Piercing

4. Use a chamomile compress:

Chamomile has compounds that assist in the healing of wounds and also help stimulate the skin’s barrier in order to heal its own. It is possible to alternate using a salt solution and the chamomile solution.

For making an ice-cold chamomile compress warm:

  • Take a teabag of chamomile in a glass, just like you would making tea.
  • Allow the bag to sit for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • Take a newspaper towel with the solution of chamomile and then apply the solution to your perforation for 5-10 minutes.
  • To keep the warmth, soak a fresh piece of paper towel. Apply it again every two minutes or so.

It is not recommended to use chamomile when you suffer from an allergy to ragweed.

Infected Nose Piercing

5. Use diluted tea essential oil of the tree:

Tea tree oil is a natural antifungal, antiseptic and antimicrobial ingredient. It is beneficial to treat Infected Nose Piercing. It can also help to speed up heal time, stave away infection and decrease inflammation.

Be aware that tea tree oil could cause an allergic reaction. If you’re the first use of it, conduct an initial patch test prior to applying it on an open wound such as the nose that you have pierced.

For a patch test to be performed:

  • Use a tiny amount of tea tree oil diluted on your forearms.
  • At minimum for 24 hours.
  • If you do not experience any inflammation or irritation You could apply this solution directly to the piercing of your nose.

To create a tea tree solution, you just need to mix two to four drops of oil from tea trees to around 12 drops of carrier oils, like coconut oil, olive oil, and almond oil. It will help dilute it, which makes it safe to apply to your skin.

The solution might cause some sting when it is applied.

Find therapeutic-grade tea oil on the internet.

Infected Nose Piercing

When is the best time to have your piercer examined?

It could be a few weeks before you recover from a nose piercing however, you should notice improvement after two or three days after treatment.

If not, visit your doctor. Your piercer is the most qualified person to evaluate your symptoms and give advice regarding how to handle the specific issue.

Infected Nose Piercing

Ask your friends and loved ones for support.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain…

Infected Nose Piercing: After the piercing of your nose its normal to experience some redness, swelling bleeding, or bruising that lasts for some time.
Infected Nose Piercing

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