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Hip dips refer to the inward depression that runs along your side, just below your hip bone. They are sometimes called violin hips.

Hip Dips – Can You Get Rid Of Them


What are hip dips?

Hip dips refer to the inward depression that runs along your side, just below your hip bone. They are sometimes called violin hips.

They have indentations, which are curved edges that look like they were drawn with a protractor. These indentations can be subtle and barely visible, or quite prominent.

These indentations are normal parts of your body.

What causes hip dips?

Hip dips are when the skin is attached to your trochanter, the deeper part of the thigh bone.

Some people are more aware of these indentations. This is due to how much fat and muscle you have in your body.

Hip dips may be more prominent or less depending on how wide your hips are, the shape of the pelvis, and your body fat distribution.

You may notice them more if you wear certain clothing.

Hip dips can be reduced with exercises:

You can perform certain exercises to reduce the appearance of hips dipping. These exercises can be used to build muscle and shed fat.

To ensure that you are doing the correct poses, look at yourself in a mirror. Start with the weaker leg or one of your more flexible legs for side-by-side exercises.

This will allow you to start with the more difficult side and make the second side seem easier.

You can start with just 1 to 2 sets per week and increase your intensity over time. Different exercises may be done on different days.

These exercises should be completed in 20 minutes per day. You should do them at least 4 to 6 times per week.

These exercises are designed to strengthen and tone your muscles.

  • Hips
  • Thighs
  • Abdominals
  • Buttocks

1. Side hip openers (fire hydrants):

These movements are designed to target your hips, outer thighs, and side buttocks. Be sure to evenly distribute your weight between your hands, knees, and elbows.

For an added challenge, you can place a dumbbell behind one knee.

  • Now, stand on all fours and do the Cat-Cow pose. Keep your hands under your shoulders and your knees below your hips.

As you inhale, lift your leg up until it is at a 90-degree angle to the other. Keep your knee bent.

  • Slowly lower your leg back down. Before you raise it again, keep your knee off the ground.
  • Repeat this 15 times. After the 15th repetition, lower your leg by pulsing it 10 times in the upper position.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

2. Standing kickback lunges:

This exercise can help you maintain balance and stability. This exercise will work your buttocks and thighs. Keep your foot and front leg engaged. Engage your core during the pose.

  • In Prayer Pose, stand with your hands behind your chest.
  • Take a deep inhale and raise your right knee towards your chest.
  • Inhale, lift your arms high and face your ear. Then, step your right leg back.
  • Now, bend your right knee and lunge forward. Keep your feet on the ball of your back foot and your toes in front.
  • Now exhale and lift your right knee up towards your chest.– Now, inhale to raise your right knee up to your chest.
  • Do 12 lunges. Keep your leg straight and pulse 12 times.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

3. Standing side leg lifts:

Standing leg lifts can help strengthen the muscles along your hips, butt, and sides. A stretch may be felt in your inner thigh.

You should ensure that your movements are steady and controlled. Do not jerk or rush your movements. Keep your body straight. Don’t lean towards either side.

For an added challenge, you can also do this exercise with ankle weights.

  • Stand in front with your left side towards a wall, table, or chair.
  • Use your left hand to balance and support your left foot. Lift your right foot off the ground by rooting into your left foot.
  • Take a deep breath and lift your right leg towards the side.
  • Slowly exhale, and then cross the other leg.
  • Do 12 leg raises on each side.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

4. Squats:

Squats can be a great way of toning your hips, thighs, and butt. Keep your spine straight, and your toes in front. For extra support, engage your abdominal muscles.

  • While doing these squats, you can also hold a dumbbell.
  • Stand slightly wider than your hips with your feet.
  • Inhale and slowly lower your head as if you were sitting in a chair.
  • Take a deep breath and then stand up.
  • This can be repeated 12 times.
  • Hold the lower position for the final repetition and pulse up and back 12 times.
Hip dips refer to the inward depression that runs along your side, just below your hip bone. They are sometimes called violin hips.
Hip Dips Excercise

5. Squats are performed by standing side-to-side:

This squat will work your hips, sides, and buttocks. These squats require that you keep your butt down. Squat lower each time your feet touch.

While you can move a bit higher, don’t go up too high. These squats can also be done with ankle weights.

  • Stand straight up with your feet together.
  • Lie down in a squat position.
  • Move your right leg to the right.
  • Next, bring your left foot towards your right foot.
  • Next, move your left foot to the right.
  • Move your right foot to your left.
  • Do 10 of these squats per side.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

6. Side lunges:

Side lunges stretch your entire leg. These exercises will define your hips, buttocks, and hips. Keep your toes facing forward on both feet.

  • While performing these lunges, you can also hold a dumbbell.
  • Place your feet under your hips.
  • Place your right foot on the ground and step your left foot to the left.
  • Place your foot on the ground, then lower your head. Your left leg will bend and your right leg straighten.
  • Continue pressing down on both feet.
  • Get up and place your feet together.
  • Do 12 side lunges.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

7. Side curtsy lunges:

This position will work your thighs as well as your side. Keep your feet on the ground for the entire time. Your front foot should be facing forward.

You should be stepping to the side. These lunges can be done with a dumbbell.

  • Start by standing with your feet together.
  • Lift your right foot and place it behind your left.
  • Now, drop your right knee into a curtsy lunge.
  • Place your right foot in front of your left foot.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.
  • Do 15 side lunges.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

8. Glute bridges:

This will strengthen your thighs and buttocks. Engage your abdominals.

This will support your body and strengthen your stomach muscles.

  • With your arms extended, lie on your back and your knees bent.
  • Spread your feet slightly wider than your hips.
  • Take a deep inhale and lift your hips and butt.
  • As you lower your back and exhale.
  • Continue 15 times. Hold the upper position for at least 10 seconds after the 15th repetition.
  • Next, carefully place your knees on the floor and then slowly move them backward 10 times.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

9. Leg kickbacks:

This will help lift your butt. To protect your lower back, keep your core engaged. Slowly perform the movements. These exercises can be done with ankle weights.

  • Get on your fours and do the Cat-Cow pose.
  • Keep your hands under your shoulders, and your knees below your hips.
  • Straighten your right leg straight. Slowly lift your right leg as high as you can.
  • Now, lower your leg to the ground but not touch your toes.
  • Do 15 repetitions. Keep your leg straight up so that it is parallel to the ground during the final repetition. Your leg should be twisted 15 times.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

10. Lying downside leg raises:

These leg raises are for your butt and outer thighs. To perform these movements, make sure to use your hips and butt muscles. These exercises can be done with ankle weights.

  • Now, lie down on your right side and ensure that your body is straight.
  • Bend your elbow right and support your head with your hand. Or, keep your arm on the ground.
  • For support, keep your left hand on the ground in front of yourself.
  • Slowly raise your left leg in the air.
  • Lower your left leg and keep it from touching your right.
  • Perform 20 repetitions. Keep your leg straight up and perform 20 pulses after the final repetition.
  • Repeat the process on the other side.

These exercises help a lot to reduce Hip dips.

Lifestyle changes that can eliminate hip dips:

Hip dips refer to the inward depression that runs along your side, just below your hip bone. They are sometimes called violin hips.
Healthy lifestyle to eliminate Hip Dips

Make sure you do your best to live a healthy lifestyle. You will feel great if you exercise, eat well, and take good care of your body.

Make sure to increase your water intake. Carbohydrates can give you more energy to make your workouts more productive.

Lean protein can help increase muscle mass. Make sure to eat plenty of healthy fats, fiber, and calcium. Avoid junk food, alcohol, and processed junk food.

Be smart about your food choices but don’t forget to indulge every now and again.

Balance your workouts by working out other areas of the body. It is important to do many different exercises in order to transform your body.

You can also incorporate other cardio workouts into your daily routine. Keep to your workout schedule and include physical activity in your daily life.

For guidance, consult your doctor, nutritionist, or fitness professional.

The Bottom Line:

Remember that results can take time. You may not see any noticeable changes for weeks or even months. Be as positive as possible about your body.

Positive self-talk is a positive way to feel good about yourself.

You should stick to a routine and wellness program that makes you feel good. You should set short-term and longer-term goals.

Your goals will make you feel and look better. Start now with the first steps.

Ask your friends and loved ones for support.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain…

Hip dips refer to the inward depression that runs along your side, just below your hip bone. They are sometimes called violin hips.
Hip Dips

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