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Cell Phone Addiction

Psychological Effects of Cell Phone Addiction


Cell Phone Addiction: Phone addiction is the compulsive use of a Smartphone. This behavioral addiction is often known as nomophobia, the fear of being without a cell phone or mobile device.

There are more than 3.8 billion users of smartphones around the world.

The research conducted by Virgin Mobile discovered that those billions of Smartphone users get 427 percent more messages and notifications than they were 10 years earlier.

Additionally, they send out 278% more text messages. The increase in Smartphone usage appears to be a normal necessity in our lives today, however, it could also trigger anxiety and negative effects.

The high use of mobile phones makes people question their mobile practices. Based on Google Trends, since 2004 searches for “cell phone addiction” have been increasing.

It is designed to be Addictive :

Smartphones make life easier by making information available. But, it isn’t without a cost. The gadgets are created to be difficult to take down.

Through the use of colors, sounds, and vibrations, this technology is specifically designed to keep users interested.

According to the former Google Design ethics expert Tristan Harris, features like “pull to refresh” were designed to be inspired by slot machines as well as other games in casinos.

Engineers and designers carefully design all aspects of this device, resulting in enthusiastic users.

Cell Phone Addiction

Negative Effects of Phone Addiction:

Chronic use of the phone is a new type of addiction. According to the report, American Psychiatric Association does not officially acknowledge the condition.

It is nevertheless recognized as a form of addiction that is recognized by a large number of doctors and researchers across the globe.

According to a variety of studies, over time the constant use of smartphones may change and negatively affect the person in the same way as gambling.

A dependence on phones could cause:

Cell Phone Addiction
Cell Phone Addiction
  • Sleep deficit
  • Lower concentration
  • Creativity blockade
  • Aggravated ADD
  • Anxiety
  • Cognitive impairment
  • Stress
  • Loneliness
  • Insecurity
  • Unpaired relationships
  • Poor marks

Psychological problems:

Prolonged use of the phone can result in other physical problems such as GABA (a neurotransmitter that is found in the brain) impairment and a decrease in the grey matter of the brain. These are closely linked to drug abuse disorders.

GABA Dysfunction:

The use of phones for prolonged periods has been proven to alter reward circuits in your brain chemically. One of the most brain neurotransmitters that are affected is called gabapentin (GABA).

GABA is a neurotransmitter that inhibits which produces a calming or euphoric feeling. It is also able to reduce anxiety and fear.

The inhibitor plays an important part in addiction, by giving positive reinforcement to substance use and addiction-related behaviors.

Research has shown that prolonged usage of the phone can either increase or reduce GABA production.

Changes in the GABA system have been shown to be warning signs of addiction.

In a study conducted by the Radiological Society of North America, the use of phones was linked to an erratic percentage between GABA and other neurotransmitters.

The test subjects who were teenagers took part in cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat the problem, their brain chemistry returned to a non-addicted ratio.

Decrease in Grey Matter:

The brain’s grey matter is connected to the area that is the brain’s central nervous system that is responsible for allowing people to manage movements, memory, and emotions.

A recent study examined participants’ brains affected by an addiction to phones and found an alteration in the grey matter of their brains.

According to the study’s authors, their physical form, as well as the size of the brains, were similar to those of drug addicts.

The volume of grey matter in people who are addicted to their smartphones decreased in areas that were critical similar to the condition seen in those suffering from an addiction disorder.


It is vital to know that there is an increase in depression and suicide among teens in recent years, which is correlated with the addiction to phones.

Teenagers are especially vulnerable to the dangers. As per the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) between 2010 and 2015, the rate of suicide was up by 65 percent.

At the same time, the prevalence of depression that was severe among girls rose by 58 percent.

Researchers believe that the increase in suicides is a direct result of the negative side effects of the addiction to mobile phones.

Signs & Symptoms of Cell Phone Addiction:

There’s a line of distinction between healthy and a compulsion to mobile usage. Dependence too much on a gadget can cause a dependence on mobile phones.

A scholarly journal that is published by the National Library of Medicine reports that 6.3 percent of the population is dependent on their mobile.

The rate of abuse is most prevalent among children less than 30 years old and the average is 16% of teenagers addicted.

While chronic phone use is common, how do you tell the difference between “normal” phone use and addiction to phone use?

Here are some ways to tell if someone is suffering indications and signs of phone addiction:

Symptoms of Cell Phone Addiction
Symptoms of Cell Phone Addiction
  • Falsely claiming that smartphones are used.
  • Friends and family members are expressing their concern.
  • Failure to complete tasks at school, work, or at home.
  • The more and more time spent spending time on mobile.
  • Rechecking profiles of people on a regular basis because of anxiety.
  • Injury or accident resulting from telephone use.
  • Finishing tasks later.
  • A lack of or no social activities.
  • Separation from family and friends.
  • Feeling of a lack of connection.
  • Discontent or anger if phones are not used.
  • Then, at night, you get up to check your phone.
  • The phone is ringing whenever they’re lonely or bored.
  • Phantom vibrations (thinking the phone vibrates, even though it’s not).
  • It isn’t easy to limit phone usage.
  • Want to connect to the internet, a Smartphone, or any other device.
  • The fear of not being able to participate.

It is crucial to note that there is no set quantity of time or frequency of messages sent to indicate an addiction to phones.

However, the accumulation of these warning signs could indicate an issue with the use of phones.

Phone Addiction Treatment:

It is a widespread problem. However, there are methods to fight and treat the problem. There are specialist detox centers for addiction that could assist.

These detox centers provide a range of programs that help patients overcome the addiction which is due to technology.

Below are some treatments that facilities employ for treating addiction to cell phones:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
  • Group therapy
  • Couples counseling or marriage counseling
  • Group support (e.g., Internet Tech Addiction Anonymous)
  • Psychotherapy
  • Motivational interviewing
  • Treatment with medication

Don’t Let Phone Addiction Win:

Although smartphones are a great resource, they can be dangerous devices, especially for young people and children.

The severity of the issues caused by excessive usage of phones is not entirely comprehended.

As science continues to connect health issues with cell phone usage it is vital to take a proactive approach.

If you’re concerned about your own safety or the security of someone you love There are actions you can do. Don’t let the phone be the sole focus of anyone’s life.

Make a conscious effort toward recovery, perhaps by setting a specific period of time to do a total “phone detox.”

If this isn’t feasible for you, or the person who is suffering and you’re not sure how to do it, make sure to bring as much awareness to the issue as you can sometimes, being aware of our concerns and tracking our actions as closely as we are able to do.

Ask your friends and loved ones for support.

If you’re feeling anxious or depressed, consider joining a support group or seeking counseling. Believe in your ability to take control of the pain…

Cell Phone Addiction
Cell Phone Addiction

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Q: What are the signs and symptoms of cell phone addiction?

A: These signs are some of them:
-You reach out for your phone whenever you feel lonely or bored.
-You get up several times a night to check your smartphone.
-You feel anxious, upset, or short-tempered if you can’t access your phone.
-Your phone usage has led to an accident or injury.

Q: How can I detox my phone?

A: Tips to Detox Digitally:
Tell your family and friends that you are going on a digital detox. Ask them for their support.
You can find ways to distract yourself and still have other things available.
To reduce temptation and ease of access, delete social media apps from your smartphone.

Q: How common is cell phone addiction?

A: According to reports, 60% of college students in the United States consider themselves to be addicted to their cell phones. 71% of Americans sleep next to or with their cell phones. 35% of people think about their phones when they wake up, while 10% think of their significant other.

Q: Who is responsible for phone addiction?

A: A poll shows that parents of children who are allowed to use their smartphones say they are responsible for the excessive use of technology. 77% of Americans believe that smartphone addiction is a problem among their children. 60% of those surveyed blamed their parents while 10% singled smartphone manufacturers.

Q: How does cell phone addiction affect relationships?

A: The study of 145 adults found that phubbing reduces marital satisfaction in part due to conflicts over phone use. Scientists found that phubbing can lead to depression in a partner and lower marital satisfaction.

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