Prime Health Blog

Diseases & Condition


What are lymphocytes and what healthy levels for it?

Overview: Lymphocytes are white blood cells that are also one of the human body’s major kinds of immune cells. They are created from the bone marrow and found in the bloodstream and lymph tissues. The immune system is an intricate system of cells known as immune cells which include lymphocytes. These cells operate together to […]

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Cholesterol LDL HDL

Cholesterol levels LDL, HDL, Treatment and Prevention

What is Cholesterol? If you’re reading this, you probably care about your wellbeing and the function cholesterol may play. That’s a significant first step. So, what is cholesterol? What exactly does it do? What are LDL and HDL cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy substance. It is not inherently “bad”. Your body needs it to build

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